Tuesday, 6 December 2016


Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist who founded and developed the idea of psychoanalysis.  Freud believed that “Dreams are the royal road to unconscious” and that they contained important clues into the human psyche (Weiter, 2004:195)  much of his initial research methods involved questioning his patients on their dream experiences and using their descriptions as a means of uncovering their true motivations.
“Film operates on much the same principle… film speaks directly to the unconscious, the language of dreams is one that is not an abstract form of communication such as narrative, but is one that is filled with images they carry hidden meanings on a latent level. Just so is the language of film organized so that only a part of film.”

Therefore the nature that is film can be deconstructed in order to unveil a universal understanding of our thoughts and behaviours that through identification. 

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